jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

English Blog

My experience  with the English Blog has been often difficult, because first I have problems with the english, now this language to me and too I find it difficult to write both in english, I lose all coherence and cohesion and I find it hard to follow  with a story and complete the story. But, I must recognize that the English Blog help  too much, because help you to learn and reinforce the english vocabulary and too to think in english and express in the best way the things that I must say.
Second , has been really very entertaining remember events and above all people and animals who I appreciate.
Finally, the subject  that more I enjoyed was the of my friend Marcela alias Cr3spa, remember all our crazy stories, was almost therapeutic, that made me happy, but  I’m happy, because she fulfilled one of her dreams, live in Australia (her children were the extra xD). Too, I enjoyed remember  as I met to my cat Luna, she is perfect for me, makes me laugh with her mischief and her pusheen body, is adorable in her own way.

Well, in general has been a good exercise with all its implications.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

My sister

Hello  dear classmates. Today I’m going to talk about my sister Elizabeth. She is six years older than me and curently she lives again in the family house. She has a child named Edgardo, a child very cute, happy  and very strong. Elizabeth,  Ely, or Manis, as I like to call her and   Flaca or Mona, as others family members like to call her.  My manis works at office as accountant in the week and the saturday she works  as naturopah and she too prepare her thesis.

Well, my manis loves the animals, she has two cats (Ofelia and Icaro) and a puppy called Wanda and she before had two rats (Tololo and Pedrito), but they dies four months ago.

Elizabeth from time to time try

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Earthquake 27F

When occurred the earthquat in the summer of 2010 in Chile, I was in the Street, specifically in the bus stop waiting come back to my home after of go to celebrate my happy new year out of phase with a friends en two pubs. Well, while I was in the bus stop, I heard a loud sound like subway  and continued of movement. I remember that strong movement how thing eternal. Really, I heardly could boarding the bus that just arrived to the stop bus. Too I remember that the streetlights it moved too much and the streets began to crack. Finally, when I got to my house, my parents were not in the house, they went to check on my grandmother that live to two blocks.

Although the house had some damage, these were not serious and the basic services functioned like the pone, and most important was that we were all well.

When dawned were a strong aftershock and to go outside there was dust in suspensión that gave the feeling that something apocalyptic. And the news about the consequences of earthquake in the áreas affected of country was terribles and the images seemed of a science fiction movie.