jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


The country that I would like to visit is Egypt, because I like that rich culture millenary. Is a desire that I have since child, because I always would see the programs about Egypt. I would like see the big sphinx, the pyramids with the tombs of the Pharaohs. Although the climatic conditions are of afraid for the characteristics typical of the deserts, but not impossible. I would like can learn to read the hieroglyphics I can enjoy this experience.  

Too I would like meet the cities and the people, and I can see the contrasts that exist between the old Egypt and the new Egypt.

Clearly I would go to Egypt with my friends; give that I think that share with friends is the best, more if we meet a country so interesting.

3 comentarios:

  1. than different I think that is Egypt in comparison to Chile.
    That curiosity of know the pyramid.

  2. I want to know about the culture of Egypt
