jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

Family Lunch

I should clarify that I have never been fond of familiar things; as meetings, luncheons or that relates to the family. But I have fond memories of Super occasional family dinners, especially when I was a child and we lived in the house of the grandmother. In this house in those years (over twenty years ago) we lived about ten people: the grandfather, grandmother, uncle (my mother's brother), two cousins ​​(Cristian and Pablo), the father of my cousins ​​or uncle Lucho (my political uncle), my mom, my dad, my sister and me.

And I remember that my cousins ​​and especially for me, lunch on the patio of the house were the most, eat in the courtyard was transformed into the world's best, no matter whatever the lunch, just for being in the patio eating any food was the tastiest and appetizing that might exist in the world. The courtyard was our dining room and we offered to take us to the table, chairs, bring cutlery, plates and glasses with the best smile. As ever, we were children the most obedient and helpful of the world.

Those were the best lunches of my childhood, and I remember fondly were great family moments.

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