viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

A special song: En Tongoy

En Tongoy of Chico Trujillo is a song that give me memories really wonderful and very funny of my days of go to toccata with a excellent friend called Pia. Every time that we listen En Tongoy feeling us happy and we dance like a crazy and of way enough erratic (for not say absurd and ridiculous).

This song in particular narrate the story of a person that is in Tongoy fermenting to sun, product of a big ingest of alcohol.
So many memories that I really like that song, so many vivid things, so many things said and unsaid. This great song also always remember those years of madness, laughter, games.

And now when I listen, I also think about how much I've changed and how much has changed my friend. Now if you are convertidad across a homeowner who gives everything for their children, an attitude that has my admiration.

4 comentarios:

  1. Maybe you like dancing more than the song! hahah, I fell this with skrillex!

  2. one of the best things in music are the memories

  3. Jajaja ayyy cathy!!! I not know this song, but listen to you , only for that you danced with this.

  4. I consider that you like this song because you remember nice moments when you listen it.
