viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Special Talent?

Hello dear bloggers, today I'll talk about my special talent, if talent you can say, well what is to me has really helped me and saved me several. My special talent is to see when I'm in danger or at risk, and believe me has saved me from many perceive danger ahead and has also helped me to discriminate when a person has good intentions and if not, I think I have my own warning system . I can not explain when it started, I only know that since childhood I have had this ability, perhaps this crazy or paranoid, but the truth is that when my system of internal alert is initiated, this is somatizes with anguish and something like stomach pain, but it is different stomach pain sickness. 

I have not met other people who pass through the same thing, although I have not discussed it with many people. And I have the feeling (although some friends have told me) that they consider me a confident person when it comes to going places alone or strangers or talk to strangers, but the truth is that I cheat, because you could say that I know beforehand how to proceed thanks to my internal alert. Maybe it's a witch Muajajajajaja...

4 comentarios:

  1. You are very intuitive. You can detect the danger and you act immediately.

  2. Your talent is very useful at nigth when you are walking alone

  3. I also want to have that skill :(

  4. A good talent. I have felt the same in several situations in my life. I think it's because I'm a rat in the Chinese horroscope and they are good at sensing danger:)
