jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Why I chose study?

I decided to study as an adult because I was bored with the routine of my job and I had always intended to study a university course, but I did not decided, until one day I finally did; although at first was not sure what career to study, I just knew I did not want anything to do with the area of health. This time I wanted to study something where I did not were an obligation to be enclosed in a building, I wanted something which had field trips. That was how I came to geography, the career often I find very fascinating and others not, but it is not uninteresting to study, it's just because I have preferences for certain contents of the career. Well, everything is not perfect, but I do not regret this decision although there have been difficult moments, but who does not have difficult times and otherwise has allowed me to continue learning, which is very nice to me too, and of course, I have known amazing and very interesting people. Also be in the career of Geography has allowed me to see places that by my account I never had met, with their respective realities and different approaches.

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Proud of

Hello bloggers, today I going to talk about somethings  that proud me or not much. A long time ago I was boring of my work and one day I decide stop my job and make of test for joing at the university, and change the course that I was having; well, despite that I let many things for can make new things and many times have complicate for me and my family, really I am proud of this change of my life. But,  one the other hand, I am not proud  of my self-conceit, because now I am more outlay that other things.

And speaking of thing more enjoyable, I remember one day when I was a chlid (a long time ago, too much), I would want scare to a little cousin, clearly the result not was the expected. Finally scared finished being because I saw something that they did not see, and maybe I saw that as a warning not to scare my cousin, clearly I do not feel proud of this attempt to mischief, but they are things of childhood, and I learned my lesson, or at least I hope I did, at least I saw him not, dare not, I've done it again. 

Donnie Darko

A guy unusual, but interesting. With a typical family "well formed". Even though at first everything seems Donnie lives within the typical stages of adolescence, early hints that it is not as simple or common as it seems.
A demon haunts Donnie, his alter ego is manifested at times, science says that you have schizophrenia and his family feels the same, but it's really what ails Donnie or his alter ego really shows the truth.
A special girl shows up in the life of Donnie and love present in his life llenadolo of happiness, but nothing lasts forever and looks at the dilemma of letting her die or turn to something else and change the fate of all on whole destiny.
Interesting movie to watch, not only look briefly

viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Rush in Chile

The concert of Rush in Chile was amazing. I remember that went my sister, her ex - boyfriend and me and the concert was in the National stadium. Was a show incredible, because not only was music but too a sketch with dialogues records and dialogues interacting with the us, the public, in general  the sketch was very funny, they are a clowns.

I ever want  see to Rush in live, because ever I had he reference that they was excellent musician, but see to Rush in live is other thing. They are only three musician, but that fill of sound all around, each musician is a expert playing, the three (Geedy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart).  

I remember this concert was the October 17, 2010 and supposedly its start was at 21:00 (which rarely happens, usually there is always some delay in concerts), of course we arrived early to try to have a good place Rush to enjoy live.

We were in general court, and was really great to see whole families, where parents and children alike enjoyed this great rock band and sang their songs, all very excited, really was incredible. 

I will never forget that day or at least I hope so. And if ever I have children, I hope to bring them to good gigs with bands or singers really other than just a product of the music industry, for that learn what is good music and like this enjoy and live the experience of going to a great concert.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

The novel to manga

Dear readers, today I going to talk about my actual reading habits, wich for many reasons are very varied when it comes to topic, form papers about geography for at university, articles of health, newspapers online, papers about science (because my boyfriend is a fanatic of the science), classic novels like the of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle with him Sherlock Holmes, that in the last time I´ve obsessed with finish the stories of brilliant and famous detective, because I love the detective novel in special Sherlock Holmes, the stories about  different crime, like robberies, killers, love stories, mysteries (something paranormals) , that Sherlock Holmes achieve resolve successfully, I love the eccentricity  of carácter, the experiment that  make with he and others, like when he consume opium and go to opium den in London or  he consume cocaine only for meet its effects...

And too I love the manga, lately I've been reading one piece, because I could not stand and just watch the anime, if I know I'm the worst, but I like to read, but I hate when it's a must, because in my opinion make it lose its charm and magic.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Special Talent?

Hello dear bloggers, today I'll talk about my special talent, if talent you can say, well what is to me has really helped me and saved me several. My special talent is to see when I'm in danger or at risk, and believe me has saved me from many perceive danger ahead and has also helped me to discriminate when a person has good intentions and if not, I think I have my own warning system . I can not explain when it started, I only know that since childhood I have had this ability, perhaps this crazy or paranoid, but the truth is that when my system of internal alert is initiated, this is somatizes with anguish and something like stomach pain, but it is different stomach pain sickness. 

I have not met other people who pass through the same thing, although I have not discussed it with many people. And I have the feeling (although some friends have told me) that they consider me a confident person when it comes to going places alone or strangers or talk to strangers, but the truth is that I cheat, because you could say that I know beforehand how to proceed thanks to my internal alert. Maybe it's a witch Muajajajajaja...

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Going to eat with a group of friends

Today I'm going to talk about an activity that I had before with a group of friends (Elizabeth, Leslie, Jocelyn, and Cristian) and tha that did like us too much, because was delicious. Well with my group of friends of time ago, did like us go toe at to different places and different eats, like meats, fishes and shellfishes, italian food, chilean food, sushi, pizza, and other more.

In general we went the fridays, although not always was possible go that day, and if not was posible the friday we went other day of week where all we could  go, because was fair and necessary for us. Naturally we would eat until not can more and later did we roll of happiness.

The restaurant  or places that more I liked was Mar de Viña in Av. Italia and La Casa Cena near plaza Italia, all was very delicious,  not so expensive and with excellent service.

Although I did abandon this group activity (was around two years in the group activity), they carry on with the activity of go to eat to different places, but at any time I come back the group, for return to enjoy with they and of course eat things delicious too.

National Holidays in family

Usually happened on September 18 family (mom, dad, sister and nephew), and occasionally with family including my mother. But I remember one September 18 in particular, which was at the home of an aunt, my mother's sister, where my uncles, aunts, cousins ​​(of different ages) and the great matriarch, is, my beloved grandmother (her typical sentence was: I am fine and delicate), we were like 30 people (seemed the tea table club). And I remember with joy that day, because in addition to a cousin named Cristian we had invited a couple of friends we had in common in those years (7 years ago or so, when we were young and cheerful), called Marcela and Leslie (I will omit their stage names) . It began with a roast lunch, pies, ice cream cake, among other things (that includes alcohol), and lasted until nightfall.
Our friends felt like family. We laughed a lot, because all joked with everything and everyone, no one was excluded from the jokes and truths that were launched with fan. And of course we ate and drank pretty well (until they were round, ready to roll). It was a great day of national holidays will never forget and you will not be repeated again.

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

A special song: En Tongoy

En Tongoy of Chico Trujillo is a song that give me memories really wonderful and very funny of my days of go to toccata with a excellent friend called Pia. Every time that we listen En Tongoy feeling us happy and we dance like a crazy and of way enough erratic (for not say absurd and ridiculous).

This song in particular narrate the story of a person that is in Tongoy fermenting to sun, product of a big ingest of alcohol.
So many memories that I really like that song, so many vivid things, so many things said and unsaid. This great song also always remember those years of madness, laughter, games.

And now when I listen, I also think about how much I've changed and how much has changed my friend. Now if you are convertidad across a homeowner who gives everything for their children, an attitude that has my admiration.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

The Hector teacher

The teacher that more memory with happiness is called Hector, he is teacher of physical education and was my teacher at high school. I remember that he was of south of Chile and he had graduate  little time ago. He was my head teacher  in first and second year at high school and taught us the love to the nature and the respect to the life.  The Hector teacher  every time that could us did take to field visits, like to  mountain or the river or any other extracurricular activity. This teacher made school more fun outside, with a great family feel.
I think to be a very ungrateful student, because I have not been to visit the school, do not even know if he continues teaching at the same school and continues to teach how to be a better person and good partner, and basically making the bonds are strengthened in courses that took.
Maybe someday make me encourage you to make a visit. And tell him that I'm studying again and I will never forget his teachings and his simplicity. And tell him that I am not the only former student who thinks that way about what they taught us as a person and never change, because it is an excellent person.

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

Family Lunch

I should clarify that I have never been fond of familiar things; as meetings, luncheons or that relates to the family. But I have fond memories of Super occasional family dinners, especially when I was a child and we lived in the house of the grandmother. In this house in those years (over twenty years ago) we lived about ten people: the grandfather, grandmother, uncle (my mother's brother), two cousins ​​(Cristian and Pablo), the father of my cousins ​​or uncle Lucho (my political uncle), my mom, my dad, my sister and me.

And I remember that my cousins ​​and especially for me, lunch on the patio of the house were the most, eat in the courtyard was transformed into the world's best, no matter whatever the lunch, just for being in the patio eating any food was the tastiest and appetizing that might exist in the world. The courtyard was our dining room and we offered to take us to the table, chairs, bring cutlery, plates and glasses with the best smile. As ever, we were children the most obedient and helpful of the world.

Those were the best lunches of my childhood, and I remember fondly were great family moments.

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2014

My trip to Calera de Tango

The trip to Calera de Tango was in June during the last semester and I did with a classmates. The idea of go to this place was that us observe the types and cover of land, as well as have interview with the people of place. This owing to Calera de Tango is a commune with features rural of the central region of Chile.

Well, in Calera of Tango, us did assign an area located near road Lonquén. The localities was El Copihue and El Acacio, in the localities the people was nice guy, friendly and us we feel comfortable around they.

I remember wich in El Copihue I did eat a cheese-mushroom pie delicious, totally recomendable. Both taste which is very important (for a crafty person like me, it is) and the price actually accequible any user. Of course there was more variety of local food, and other companions went to a Mexican food restaurant and they loved it.

In summary, the commune of Calera de Tango in case of not so many attractions, but it has its charm, there are still more ranch areas, although less and less, but life remains calmer and healthier than in Santiago and is not far from this city.

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014

My Winter Break

In my Winter break I went to visit to friends that I not saw long time and want very funny, we spoke until by elbow many hours. Other day I went go with a friend to the terrace of mall Plaza Vespucio to drink and speak too much.
Also one day with other friend we went to Patronato to see and buy clothes and that day too we went from Patronato to center of Santiago walking until arrive to Historical National Museum, where we walk, we observe and appreciate the diversity of the museum, us we add to a tour by the clock which is in a tower and which look to the parade ground, in general the clock look to center of Santiago and for arrive to this, we had which climb the spiral stairs. Although I should admit which I felt with vertigo in this place, but too was very funny.
Also, other day, I think which was Wednesday. I was to visit to a friend which is mother of a baby called Trinidad which has less a month of born.

In summary, my winter break were too much brief. I need more time for rest and sleep.

jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

English Blog

My experience  with the English Blog has been often difficult, because first I have problems with the english, now this language to me and too I find it difficult to write both in english, I lose all coherence and cohesion and I find it hard to follow  with a story and complete the story. But, I must recognize that the English Blog help  too much, because help you to learn and reinforce the english vocabulary and too to think in english and express in the best way the things that I must say.
Second , has been really very entertaining remember events and above all people and animals who I appreciate.
Finally, the subject  that more I enjoyed was the of my friend Marcela alias Cr3spa, remember all our crazy stories, was almost therapeutic, that made me happy, but  I’m happy, because she fulfilled one of her dreams, live in Australia (her children were the extra xD). Too, I enjoyed remember  as I met to my cat Luna, she is perfect for me, makes me laugh with her mischief and her pusheen body, is adorable in her own way.

Well, in general has been a good exercise with all its implications.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

My sister

Hello  dear classmates. Today I’m going to talk about my sister Elizabeth. She is six years older than me and curently she lives again in the family house. She has a child named Edgardo, a child very cute, happy  and very strong. Elizabeth,  Ely, or Manis, as I like to call her and   Flaca or Mona, as others family members like to call her.  My manis works at office as accountant in the week and the saturday she works  as naturopah and she too prepare her thesis.

Well, my manis loves the animals, she has two cats (Ofelia and Icaro) and a puppy called Wanda and she before had two rats (Tololo and Pedrito), but they dies four months ago.

Elizabeth from time to time try

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Earthquake 27F

When occurred the earthquat in the summer of 2010 in Chile, I was in the Street, specifically in the bus stop waiting come back to my home after of go to celebrate my happy new year out of phase with a friends en two pubs. Well, while I was in the bus stop, I heard a loud sound like subway  and continued of movement. I remember that strong movement how thing eternal. Really, I heardly could boarding the bus that just arrived to the stop bus. Too I remember that the streetlights it moved too much and the streets began to crack. Finally, when I got to my house, my parents were not in the house, they went to check on my grandmother that live to two blocks.

Although the house had some damage, these were not serious and the basic services functioned like the pone, and most important was that we were all well.

When dawned were a strong aftershock and to go outside there was dust in suspensión that gave the feeling that something apocalyptic. And the news about the consequences of earthquake in the áreas affected of country was terribles and the images seemed of a science fiction movie.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014


The country that I would like to visit is Egypt, because I like that rich culture millenary. Is a desire that I have since child, because I always would see the programs about Egypt. I would like see the big sphinx, the pyramids with the tombs of the Pharaohs. Although the climatic conditions are of afraid for the characteristics typical of the deserts, but not impossible. I would like can learn to read the hieroglyphics I can enjoy this experience.  

Too I would like meet the cities and the people, and I can see the contrasts that exist between the old Egypt and the new Egypt.

Clearly I would go to Egypt with my friends; give that I think that share with friends is the best, more if we meet a country so interesting.

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

To London the tickets

Dear bloggers, today I’m going to talk about:  where I would go if I were to London.

If I were to London, I would like go to the museums like,  British Museum, National Gallery, Natural History Museum, Museum os Science, Victoria and Albert Museum, Tate gallery of Modern Art, National Portrait Gallery, British Library and how forget the Museum of London. Simply, because these places relate us things about  the history in general of the place.

Too, I would go to Picadilly Circus, Covent Garden district, because are places of meeting between tourists and londoners, on top of that Covent Garden is a place where play live music free in the street, it’s fantastic.
And the parks, like Kew Gardens, Greenwich Park, Hyde Park, St James’ Park , Green Park, Regents Park, Kensington Gardens, Richmond Park  and others. I like the green areas, I like that capacity of convey tranquility.

And finally, (between very others places) I would go to the famous Abbey Road and go to cross like a Beatles more.

This visit to London I would do with a friend that did at the University of Chile, because Bea love to the Beatles and one of her desires is go to London.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Special song

Today I going to speak about a my special song, but sincerely are a lot and of different style. Well, I like much  a song of Nirvana, that really is a cover, but I like much his version, because Kurt Cobain his gave deph to this song and sounded very good.

"Where Did You Sleep Last Night"


Too I like too much a song of Type O Negative, is a cute song of love.  Peter Steel had a spectacular voice of tenor and was impressive.

"Love You To Death" 
Well, a song for dance happily is a of The Cure, is entertaining copy his dance step of Robert Smith, make me happy listen this song.

"Why Can´t I Be You?"
And other  song that like too  much is a song of Therion, I like the lirycal voice and the theatricality of their members, and their sound alive is a incredible.
“Sitra Ahra"

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

My kitty Luna

My kitty Luna came to me some time ago, exactly four year ago, when she had one month old. She was a little stuffed animal, chubby and hairy, that only her hissed, biting and scratched, she was a wild kitty, but I loved her, because she was and is strong temperament, and a little crazy or sometimes  very crazy and that I like too much, is very funny. 
She is a cat long hair domestic, by her colour fur is classify like turtle or carey, because her colours are similar to turtle shell.  
Luna only drink milk, the time that we gave water, she threw the bowl and her beat to my father, well every time that not have milk, she beat to my father, my mother or me, but is more usual that her beat to my father.  
She hate that her touch, but she is a sweetness if we have meat or something to her like eat. She love when her caress her head while eat and purr low, because to she not her like show weakness.

And when her very happy, she go running for the house and later she lie down in the floor and her shimmy showing her paunch.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

My games of child

When I was a child a liked it more when with my sister and my cousins played a lots games just like to “hide and seek” in the grandmother house. It was funny, but first all we lived in that house, just like a community. I think that i had about a five years old or maybe even less. Normally , we were about five and seven child of different age. And of course, ours place of plays was the grandmother house.

Too I played with they the game “Gran Santiago”, other game was dominoes and did web et money, obviously not much. Other times I played to “jump rope” or to game “play tag” and ours hab run much for release to partner, but other times we had competition of speed on the bicycle. And other of my favourite game was fly kites with my father in the park near to house. 

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

A cute beach, Pichilemu

Me gustó la playa de Pichilemu, porque es un gran lugar con muchos lugares que repasar cuando el bosque que existe después de las dunas de arena, me gusta oler ese lugar, es oler una libre. Camino por la playa por la mañana, antes de que lleguen a la gente y puedo disfrutar serenamente este lugar. Me acuerdo de la cabalgata amlmost todos los días en la playa, continiung con el bosque, después de las dunas de arena y, finalmente, la playa otra vez hasta que el establo de caballos, así que era por la mañana; por la tarde, era el momento de que me voy a nadar en el mar y por la noche, la feria artesanal y el parque de atracciones. Y, por supuesto, la comida de la "mamá María", ella me muestre segunda abuela y su comida es deliciosa.

Bueno, yo también sé que otros playa, pero tal vez me gustaba más Pichilemu por todas mis experiencias allí
y siempre me comparador con otro.

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Today I going to talk about a big friend, that met a long time ago, Marcela

To Marcela or Crespa (like she like that named), her met by means of a cousin, ten years ago. Together with she lived many things and us meet to very peoples, and we went to many places.
That which more us liked do was go to pubs, discotheque and recitals. We had our places recurrents and we did tour from pub to pub and generally was that after do it, us went to a discotheque to dance ridiculously, because the idea was dance doing dance steps the most erratics feasible. Really was very funny like us saw and the peoples begin to imitate so absurds dance steps. Sometimes after night club, us went to some after party, when the party go on half day, that wich us allowed go home to a prudent time.
The common life her was makeup artist, so that too she was her that normally us make up, when us would like have a professional make up.
Although now no tus see in person, since she´s live in Australia and formed a cute family, she have two children (a girl and a boy), but surely when she arrive to Chile again, us will entertain to some place.

                                   Marcela, "Tío Jose" and me

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

India grapples with wildlife-human conflict: Conservationists call for a long-term solution to repeated clashes

There is a conflict at India, because of use of land between wild animals and humans. This cause worries to residents of near villages where wild animals live. There, the consequence of shortage of habitat is the approach of the species to these villages, so this shows a danger to the residents and, also, to the wild species. If this conflict on India continues, it will leave more unprotected to the wild species than men.http://www.theguardian.com/environment/terra-india/2014/mar/18/india-maneating-tiger-wildlife-conflict